High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure
High blood pressure is one of the most common diseases of our time and can lead to long-term health problems and other associated conditions, caused by prolonged increased pressure in the walls of the arteries.
What is the solution?
If you want to reduce your risk of stroke or heart attack, harness the power of nature!
One of the most important ingredients is blueberries!

Researchers at the University of the East of England (UEA) have reported on the beneficial effects of blueberries. They found that the beneficial effects of blueberries are mainly due to their extremely high antioxidant content, including especially anthocyanins (the pigments responsible for the intense bluish-purple colour of blueberries: the darker the berry, the higher the anthocyanin content).
Anthocyanins play a key role in neutralising free radicals and work synergically with vitamin C and other important antioxidants. They are extremely potent antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory effects.
Clinical studies have shown that anthocyanins...
Other health benefits and anti-ageing properties of blueberries include a significant reduction in the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer.
A recent study published recently in the Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that people who regularly consumed 15 decagrammes of blueberries per day had a significant increase in the amount of antioxidants in their blood, which can reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.
The researchers found that blueberries are essential for preventing the development of various cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, ageing, cancer, macular degeneration and cataracts.

It is clear that the consumption of BLUEBERRIES is a powerful solution for the health of blood vessels. However, there is caveat. If the health problem has already developed, you should consume at least half a kilogramme to 1 kilogramme of it daily to get enough of it.
This is difficult even if you love blueberries, because sooner or later you won't be able to look at them. Plus, you have to take into account that blueberries can cost a small fortune at these quantities.
I am convinced that, for these reasons, their consumption is not individually sustainable.
But don't worry, because there is already a solution for that.
Solution: small, simple and amazingly Delicious

As you have read above, blueberries are powerful and can reduce the risk of high blood pressure, but by themselves they are not enough if you have circulatory or cardiovascular problems.
You need a controlled combination of plants that contribute to your circulatory health in different ways. And unfortunately, blueberries don't contain all the active ingredients your body needs.
That's why, as a result of other herbal research, InnoFit has put together a formula that really does have all the active ingredients you need.
InnoFit Purfit
small, simple and amazingly Delicious

In addition to the right amount of blueberries, it also contains elderberries, blackcurrants and Jerusalem artichokes.
The product is made using 3 worldwide unique technologies that have been proven to multiply the positive physiological effects of fruit and vegetables on the body.

Irresistible OFFER
Get +33% value
If you're looking for lasting results, not just temporary improvements, order 3 Purfit packages (which is enough for 60 days) and you'll get an extra package (+20 days) for FREE.
By consuming InnoFit Purfit, you can enjoy the extremely high vitamin and mineral content of blueberries, elderberries, blackcurrants and Jerusalem artichokes every day without spending hours sourcing, preparing and consuming them. Plus, it doesn't cost so much either as in the example above.
Why consume it? What diseases can it help prevent?
There can be no better investment than your health...
Want to know more about InnoFit Purfit?
What are the most common causes of high blood pressure?

Irresistible OFFER
Get +33% value
If you're looking for lasting results, not just temporary improvements, order 3 Purfit packages (which is enough for 60 days) and you'll get an extra package (+20 days) for FREE.

Symptoms of high blood pressure:

What are the risks / complications?

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